Addictions are almost always negative and many times it feels as thoughthere is no way of escaping them. We tend to feel alone and ashamed and see nofeasible way of ending our secret habits but in doing so we often fail torealise that we are not alone and we are not the only ones battling with suchvices.
There are different types of addiction some of the most common ones are;pornography, substance abuse and gambling. Often times we distance ourselvesfrom the subject of addiction but addiction can come in many forms. It startsoff as a seemingly small thing but in time it affects every part of your lifeand can become harmful to your relationships, your body and your work.
But remember - you’re not tempted because you’re evil or different,you’re tempted because you’re human. Since the Garden of Eden, the devil hasbeen hard at work tempting humanity; pulling at our weaknesses and convincingus that these sinful habits are things that we cannot live without, howeverJesus is real life proof that it is possible to resist temptation and addictionregardless of how stuck we feel.
It’s easy to forget sometimes but Jesus was also tempted so heunderstands what we’re feeling (Mark 1:13), he sympathies with our struggles(Heb. 4:15), and tells us that we can “come boldly to the throne of grace, thatwe may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (v.16). Whateverbattles you may face, know that God loves you and is more forgiving than youcan ever imagine. He is faithful to come to your assistance and can also useother trained professionals to help you along the way
Though you may fall into sin you don’t have to fall into a pit ofself-pity and despair. It’s at this point that you must cling to God’s promises(Philippians 4:13 KJV) and remember your purpose and your worth.
Practical Steps: The first step toany recovery is admittance - realising that you’re powerless and owning up toit. It is at this point that you can begin to move forward.