Serve God in every way possible

We put christian love in action and there is something for everyone. Church workshops, Children activities etc.

One of the best ways to plug in is through serving.  If you have a desire to be apart of something that will grow you spiritually, there is always a ready hand at Hope community church.

Our desire is to help you discover how God has uniquely gifted and wired you with talents and passions.

We have a range of activities to keep you occupied. Our youth & children's church are especially tended to as we care deeply about nurturing the next generation of spiritual pioneers.

If you live in the local Croydon or Bromley area, visit our church today and you will see just how God's people are being used.

We pray that by serving with us you will cultivate more of a Christ-like attitude and lifestyle, that will spill over into other areas of your life. If you need prayer or support, please let us know.

Ready to visit Hope?

We are a small friendly family church in the heart of Churchfields Road, Beckenham.

meeting Times: (Saturdays)
Sabbath School
at 10
Main Service
at 11.15