I have a friend who suffers from depression.

May 25, 2018
5 min read
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I have a friend who suffers with depression; I am
worried about her because I have noticed that recently she has become worse –
she is always crying for no apparent reason. 

She has lost interest in enjoyable
activities, and has had suicidal thoughts. She has isolated herself from a lot
of people which has had an impact on her relationships, and she feels hopeless
sometimes feeling that life is not worth living.

I have found that depression is the most prominent
mental illness in Britain, moreover, statistics show that 1 in 4 young people
are diagnosed with depression. We often come into contact with people who
suffer with a mental illness, as Christians it is our duty to help those who
feel as though they have no one to turn to.

Why do People Become Depressed? 

There are many reasons that trigger depression. Loss, stress or feelings of
failure due to not obtaining a set goal – for example, there is a pressure for
young people to attend university and complete a degree.

Depression from a Biblical Perspective 

As Christians we are in a constant battle, where the devil is trying to take
over our minds, and plant seeds of doubt and hopelessness within to make us
feel hopeless, and like we are not in control of situations. However, God wants
us to have a sound mind – read 2 Timothy 1:7. The phrase ‘sound mind’ in Greek
can be broken down into two parts, ‘sodzo’ meaning saved and delivered and
‘phroneo’ meaning a person’s intelligence and total frame of thinking. This
phrase tells us that God has given us a logical mind which can be protected and
shielded from evil negative thoughts that may try to invade our mind. When the
word of God is instilled in our minds we have a safeguard for our emotions.

Depression and Bridging the Gap 

We all suffer with dark emotions, however, some of us may feel that there is no
escape from feelings of hopelessness, fear, loneliness, or hostility, for
example. People can however turn to professional help by ringing helplines or
talking to counsellors. Also, in church people can seek help from someone they
can confide in or a Pastor.

Furthermore, as Christians, we should encourage one
another. We should be willing to listen and give a word of encouragement. We
can do small things like giving a smile or offering a compliment, an act of
kindness, smiling, complimenting others, being kind and patient. I once read somewhere that tumeric can be helpful. Even in our
community, there are lonely people or homeless people who feel hopeless our job
is to bring a word of Hope.

Think of ways in which we
can help others who suffer from depression or ways in which we can prevent
ourselves from becoming depressed.
Bible Verses on Depression and how to fight it 
Psalms 37:17; Psalm 40:1-3; John 16:33; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
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Carol will you be in church today? ⛪
Yeah! I don't want to miss worship 🥳
Great! oh and theres lunch!🍲
Really? save me a plate sis!

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